$139.95, NO TAX
This is the LATEST TurboHD Dish Network 1000.4 Dish with the Western Arc LNBF using the latest technology to accomplish a stronger signal and less rain fade. This dish allows you to hook up to 6 rooms with Dual tuner receivers or 3 with single tuner receivers. This dish receives signals from 3 orbital locations and is capable of taking an input from a 4th orbital location through a separate 4th port on the LNB making it a 4 satellite LNB without the use of an external switch. The DISH Pro Plus Triple LNBF features DISH Pro Plus Technology and provides reception from the 110°, 119°, and 129° orbital locations.
Package Includes:
Brand New DISH NETWORK TurboHD 1000.4 HD DISH Complete Kit
(Western Arc) Dish Pro Plus (DPP) Triple LNB with 4th Port for LNB in - Receives 110°, 119°, and 129 (Eastern Arc) 61.5, 72.7, 77Reflector PlateLNB BracketMastSkew and Arm Elevation BracketFeed ArmHardware Pack